All about Oats (ओट्स)

Global production of oats in 2017 was 26 million tonnes.Oat is a type of cereal grain grown for its seeds. Oats are an annual plant mostly grown in the top of Himalayas, Punjab and Uttar-Pradesh. They are available throughout the year in per-packaged packs can by in market. Most of its taste of oats comes from the roasting process after it has been harvested and cleaned. Oats are rolled or crushed to make oatmeal in breakfast staple consumed with milk as a porridge. It may even be ground into oat flour.  Oats are eaten only after cooking.They have a nutty and grainy texture.

All about Oats (ओट्स) 

Types Oats(ओट्स) in market 

1. Steel cut oats- the oats that are cut into pieces by a steel cutters which produces coarse oatmeal.

2. Rolled oats - Rolled oats is a type of lightly processed whole-grain food. Traditionally, they are made from oat groats that have been steams and then flattened between rollers to produce flakes. They are quick to cook and make a smooth porridge.

3. Oat flour- Whole Oat which are ground and sieved to make this. The flour can be coarse, medium or fine.

4. Whole Oat Groats - Whole Oat Groats are grain kernels that are simply harvested and cleaned. They take the longest time to cook.

Usage of Oats(ओट्स) 

Most commonly, oats are used as a oatmeal breakfast porridge. They may also be used in baked goodies like muffins,oat cakes,oatmeal cookies, and oat bread. Oats are also used make ready-to-eat cold cereals called muesli. Different types of oats require different cooking techniques and timing. It is best to add the oat in cold water and then cook in low heat.

Nutritional Value Oats(ओट्स) 

1. Oats are high fiber foods. The type of fiber found in oats is called beta-glucan and most commonly, oats are used as a oatmeal breakfast

2. Oats are heart healthy. Eating oats is known to lower your cholesterol levels which is good for your body.

3. The beta-glucan in oats is known to control the blood sugar levels.

4. Oats are great stress busters. Oat meal boosts positive energy as it is considered to be a good and healthy breakfast food.

5. Oats contains low levels of sodium which id good for heath. They also have a high satiety value which keeps you full of energy for a longer time.

6. Being a good sources natural fiber.

Nutritional Value Oats Indians recipes

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